Thursday, 2 February 2017

Today we talked about reasoning skills. For example, how would you use 400 + 200 = 600 to find the answer to the following questions:

399 + 198
600 - 398
425 + 275
401 + 199

Remember when you subtract more your answer is less and when you subtract less your answer is more!

Make sure you complete your Mid-Chapter Review. If you have no difficulty with the questions, you're probably ready for the test next week.

Try this two step problem:

Tyler Bozak is 30 years old. Mitch Marner is 19 years old. How many months older is Tyler Bozak?

Today we presented most of the Beatitude skits. Although it is always fun to present to the class, it is important your message is clearly communicated. Through his Sermon on the Mount, Jesus taught us how we SHOULD act. We are BLESSED when we follow his words.

We will continue peer-revising tomorrow. It is important that you reflect honestly on the small moment you are reading and give your classmate good feedback to improve his/her writing.

Social Studies
After some reflection, I have decided to study the Arctic Region of Canada. It is a very unique region with many challenges from mining to global warming. Tomorrow you will complete a chart on the physical features. A little video clip of some Arctic wildlife. So, are their wolves?

  • Return report card envelopes and reports cards signed (bottom section on last page). Don't forget to fill out the student section.
  • Interview forms return with the oldest or only in the family.

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