Monday 17 October 2016

Please go back to past posts to practice rounding decimals to the nearest whole number (one) and tenth and other review questions. Remember, when rounding decimals in a situation that requires purchasing materials, ALWAYS ROUND UP SO YOU HAVE ENOUGH MATERIAL.

Make any corrections in your green math notebook.

The Chapter Reviews and Skills Bank are good questions to study for the test.

The first test on WEDNESDAY will include:

  • expressing numbers difference ways
  • comparing and ordering numbers
  • rounding
  • problem solving

The second test of FRIDAY will include:

  • counting money
  • showing one money amount different ways
  • decimals
  • problem solving
How would you describe the mood of the poem we read chorally today?
Think about any connections you had with the poem. Try to connect with the emotions in the poem. For example: being near the water in a storm; hearing a dog cry; rowing a boat on wavy or choppy water; disappointments; when you thought you lost something important to you, but found it. Be prepared to write down your connection tomorrow.

The birthday of the Church is Pentecost. It is also the birth of many Church traditions. Think of your family traditions. What symbols or pictures or objects could represent them? Look around the house for a possible time capsule container. Some examples include coffee tins, Pringle Chips containers, ice cream tubs, cookie tins. Don't bring it in yet, just look around the house. More information coming soon...

Most groups used the rock key correctly to identify their unknown rock. Make sure you wrote the description at each step. You will use the facts and properties you recorded to write a paragraph defending the choice of your rock.

Please remit $8.00 for Mathletics if you haven't already done so. THANK YOU!

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