Wednesday 16 November 2016

Please complete your pattern booklet for tomorrow. Reese, don't do the last two pages. Hopefully I will be able to mark it before the weekend and you can bring your books home to study for the test on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 22nd.

GRADE 4 review questions:
Devon reads for 25 minutes each school night. Construct a t-chart to show how many minutes he reads in 10 nights. Look at the numbers in the second column. Write the pattern rule.

Use a 100 chart to find the answer.

  • Every 2nd day the class has gym. Mark all the day numbers with a /.
  • Every 3rd day the class has Art. Mark all the day numbers with \
  • Every 5th day the class has an hour of math games. Circle all the day numbers.

How many times in 100 days does the class have gym and art?
How many times in 100 days does the class have gym, art and math games?
Here's a link to a virtual 100 chart:

Grade 5 review questions:

Apple crisp is a great recipe to make for many different sized groups. The recipe in the chart is complete for one class and partially complete for two classes.

Apple Crisp Recipe
Number of classes
Number of apples
Amount of butter (mL)
Amount of brown sugar (mL)




  • Complete the recipe for all the classes in the chart.
  • What pattern rule did you use for each ingredient?
  • If you bought 200 apples, what is the greatest number of classes that could have apple crisp. Explain your thinking using numbers from the chart.

  • If one and one half classes wanted apple crisp, explain how you would calculate the amount of each ingredient.

Write the first 10 numbers in this pattern:
Start at 5 and increase by 3 each time.
Find the sum of the numbers.

Today we began our unit on 2-D Geometry with angles.
Do you remember the definitions of the three types of angles and their measurements in degrees?

A reflex angles is actually larger than a straight angle, but we don't need to know that angle in grade four and five. Below is a link to remember the names and measurement of the different types of angles.

Measuring angles game/practice:

Media Literacy
Looking forward to reading the messages for "Don't Laugh at Me".
Video clip for tomorrow...... what is the message? Pay close attention to the words at the end of the video.

Inferring Riddles:

Read the required pages on copper refining. Make sure you understand the meaning of copper ore, smelting and tailings. Again, look at the costs and benefits to copper mining and processing. 

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