Tuesday 6 September 2016

A fabulous start my FANTASTIC 4/5's!

Today we shared with our classmates a little bit about ourselves and discussed classroom routines and expectations. We welcome four students to St. Nicholas: Sophie, Henry, Nathan and Thomas.

Share with your parents the message of the book we read today.

Three letters were sent home today:

  • ABCs of Grade 4/5 (information about the class this year)
  • Getting to Know your Child (please fill out and return this week)
  • Fresh Grade permission form (please fill out bottom portion and return this week)

The cost of agendas is $10.00. Students have received their agendas. Please remember to get your agenda signed every day and remit money as soon as possible.

We have several student with anaphylactic allergies to peanutstree nuts, and fish. Any food with these ingredients are not permitted in the classroom.

Weather permitting, tomorrow (Wednesday), we begin cross country practice at the end of the day. Don't forget to bring your gym clothes and running shoes.

What a phenomenal first day. Everyone was so well-behaved and followed the class rules wonderfully. BRAVO!

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