Wednesday 7 September 2016

Everyone is following routines wonderfully. A smooth second day of school.
Today we did our first number talk. The strategy we practiced was making 10 because 10 is a magic number. Try to add to a multiple of 10 because it's easy!

Practice these addition questions using mental math:

3 + 8 + 7 =
9 + 4 + 6 =
42 + 8 =
33 + 17= 

Thank you for working hard on your math assessment. It will help me know key math concepts that you understand and those that you don't understand. 
Oral Communication
Share with your parents some good communication (speaking and listening) you should use during...

What new word did you use from your Book of Lists to write your s-t-r-e-t-c-h-y sentences today?

Do you remember the before reading strategy we discussed today? 
What is your schema?

What was the message of the gospel reading we shared today? Why did I choose this reading for the beginning of the year?


  • Please remit forms as soon as possible (Getting to Know Your Child / Fresh Grade)
  • Gym clothes
  • $10.00 for agenda
  • Get agenda signed

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