Wednesday 21 September 2016

Cross Country
What a wonderful mini-meet we had at the school today. All students ran their very best and should be proud of themselves. It made my heart melt when you cheered on the students who were struggling. You gave them the confidence to persevere and finish the race. True faith in action!

Today we talked about multiplying by 10, 100, 1000.
Always look for patterns. When you multiply by 10, how many zeros do you add to the original number? by 100? by 1000?

Make sure you write the entire math sentence, not just the answer. If you are solving a word problem, you must write a math sentence and answer the question in words.

Grade 5 your homework was a little trickier. You had to use your knowledge of multiplying by multiples of 10, 100 and 1000 to multiple numbers close to 10, 100, 1000. 

For example:
6 x 299 is close to 6 x 300
6 x 300 = 6 x 3 x 100 = 1800
299 is one less than 300, so your answer is 6 less 
6 x 299 = 1800 - 6 = 1794

The books assumes that you remember your multiplication facts and use related facts e.g. 6 x 3, and your knowledge of multiplying by 10 or 100.

For your test tomorrow, you must be able to write a number in:

  • standard form
  • expanded form numbers
  • expanded form words
  • words
  • base-ten blocks (least number and two other ways)
  • on a place value chart

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