Tuesday 20 September 2016

What a beautiful mass we had today at St. George! Father talked about many of the themes that we are discussing with our responsibility learning skill. We are all called to be disciples of Christ and follow in his footsteps. He came to show us the way to heaven. 

  • What kinds of things can we do at school, home and in our community that show his message of love, forgiveness, compassion and mercy? 
  • How can we give others a "chance to shine" like Joe in the book we read yesterday?

Learning Skills
One of the success criteria for the Responsibility learning skill is following routines and rules. Do you:

  • read the message board in the morning and hand in books and forms in the correct bin?
  • put away your indoor and outdoor shoes?
  • stack your chair at night?
  • transition from outside to inside quickly and quietly?
  • follow directions the first time they're given?
  • raise your hand before speaking?
  • keep the area around your desk, including the floor, tidy?
  • do you complete your job for the week without reminders?
Our next learning skill we will be looking at is Organization.

Today we had our first word study lesson. We talked about root words, prefixes, suffixes, definitions, parts of speech (nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs), synonyms and antonyms.

Simple game to practice the parts of speech:
Simple game to practice synonyms and antonyms:
Simple game for prefixes, suffixes and roots:

Our first vocabulary word was RESPONSIBILITY.

Cross Country Meet
Tomorrow we have our first meet at Springbank Park. We will be leaving after morning exercises and returning around lunch time (hot lunch will be at school waiting).  
  • Wear your shorts, t-shirt, running shoes, warm up clothes (if necessary) to school. Your St. Nicholas t-shirt will be given to you in the morning.
  • Bring your uniform to change into or another t-shirt (you may be able to remain out of uniform)
  • Bring plenty of water to drink and health snacks. No sugary drinks or snacks at the meet. The weather forecast is hot, so bees will be a nuisance.
  • Bring something to sit on, something to pass the time (drawing book, book to read, word search book, cards etc). No sporting equipment or electronics.
Your goal is to run your personal best. The races will start with the youngest students and end with the oldest i.e. 9 year old boys will be first, followed by 9 year old girls and 13 year old girls will be last.

Cheer on Team Canada tonight..... Pray for the Blue Jays to win!

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