Monday 19 September 2016

Today we compared and ordered numbers. Everyone seemed to understand this concept very well. Remember you compare numbers from left to right. Start with the place value worth the most and move to the right.

ten thousands > thousands > hundreds > tens > ones>

Remember your inequality signs. The mouth always opens to the bigger number.

Try these:

Please make sure to get your math notebook signed.

The most important reading strategy was discussed today....
Check for Understanding. Depending on the difficulty of the text, you should stop and ask yourself two questions: 
Who was it about?
What happened?

We use this reading strategy when we summarize a text.

Summarize the story "Miracle on Main Street" for your parents. 

We also read the mentor text "A Chance to Shine". We identified the characteristics of this narrative and wrote an example of each.

Share with a parent the narrative characteristics in "A Chance to Shine".

Social Studies
Learn the 7 continents, 4 oceans (don't worry about Southern Ocean) and provinces and territories of Canada.

Play the game to learn the provinces and territories:

Mass at St. George tomorrow @ 9:30 (parents are always welcome)
Springbank Cross Country Meet @ 9:30 on Wednesday, September 21st
Regina Mundi Meet on October 6

Several students have still not handed in permission forms for upcoming events and information forms. It is imperative that these forms are completed, signed and returned ASAP.

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