Tuesday 27 September 2016

Today we continued with rounding numbers. If you did not get the opportunity to watch the "Math Antics" link from yesterday, please do so. It's a quick and simple way to show your thinking when rounding numbers. You should be able to use a number line as well when asked. 
Tomorrow we will talk a little bit about decimal tenths (grade 4) and decimal hundredths (grade 5). Here's a video for a sneak peek:

You're doing very well on your review sheets. Math is fun!

Finish your vocabulary sheet for ORGANIZATION. You don't need to do the section on spelling rule or faith connection. We'll talk about that tomorrow.

Keep trying to expand your vocabulary using your Book of Lists.

Lots of learning today in science. Everyone received a rock collecting kit. Make sure you record a number on your rock and write on your chart were you found it and a brief description of the location (e.g. dirt areas with no grass, at the shore near the river, buried underground etc.). Use your textbook to write in YOUR OWN WORDS how the three types of rocks are formed. We viewed many videos and there is a section in your textbook. Here's another video:

Rockhounds..... let the collecting begin!

Question: What is the difference between a rock and a mineral? Think of two kinds of chocolate bars.....


  • Terry Fox Run on Thursday, September 29 @ 1:15 pm (bring a toonie for Terry)
  • Return clean Nighthawk shirt ASAP
  • Fresh Grade links were given tonight for parents

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