Wednesday 28 September 2016

We spent a good deal of time reviewing rounding. Most students are using the method outlined in the video "Math Antics". Henry also taught us his way of rounding.

Example: Round 3729 to the nearest thousand and hundred

3729   The number is between 3000 and 4000. The 7 hundreds tells us to round up
3000    because it is larger than 5 hundreds (our half-way point) so it is 4000 to the 
           nearest thousand

3729  The number is between 3700 and 3800. The 2 tens tells us to round down because
3700  it is smaller than 5 tens (our half-way point) so it is 3700 to the nearest hundred.

Please make sure you complete your review sheets for tomorrow. We will have several tests in the upcoming weeks. Keep practicing!

Henry thinks of rounding like an apple rolling down a hill with the top of the hill being the middle point.

Learning Skills
Today we discussed the importance of organization. When are desk, personal property, notebooks, agenda etc. are organized, we are ready to learn. Please review the pages in your agenda on organization. 

Wednesdays are our Library days. If you forgot your book, you may bring it tomorrow and check out a new book. If you are on "Share a Book" for the week, please make sure you practice reading OUT LOUD with lots of EXPRESSION.

Complete your dot art. Remember, no markers for colouring just for outlining.

Terry Fox Run tomorrow. Think about who you are running for and bring a toonie for Terry!
Watch the music video below. Rod Stewart inspiration for recording this song was Terry Fox.

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