Saturday 15 October 2016

Grade 4 review questions (typical test questions):

Mark’s family bought a boat with 25 one-hundred dollar bills. How much did the boat cost?

A 14 g bag of raisins contains 40 raisins.
How many raisins would you expect ot find in a 140 g bag?
Explain your thinking. Hint... Draw a picture to help.

There are 100 holes in a ceiling tile.
How many tile would you need to make a total of 1000 holes?

3 towns each have a population that rounds to 8000.
Use the digits 2, 3, 7, and 8 to create possible populations of the 3 towns.

Lilly has $42.60 in her pocket.
She has 2 bills and 8 coins.
What bills and coins could she have?

What is the largest number that rounds to 6000? What is the least number that rounds? 

A giant squid weighed 2946 kg.
How much did it weigh to the nearest thousand kilograms, nearest hundred kilograms, and nearest ten kilograms?

Draw how you would make $45.30 using fewest number of bills and coins.

Find 3 ways to make this number sentence true. Expain your thinking.
___295 > 15__4

Grade 5 review questions (typical test questions)

40 000 beads are needed to decorate a powwow outfit.
A jar holds 200 beads.
A box holds 10 jars of beads.
How many boxes are needed?
Hint... draw a picture and write two multiplication sentences.

The diameter of the Earth is 12 756km.
Round the number to the nearest ten thousand, nearest thousand, and nearest hundred.

A number can be rounded to 30 000, 32 000, and 31 900.
What is the least number it could be? What is the greatest?
Show how you know.

Write a decimal in the form ___.___ ____ for each description.
a) between 3.4 and 3.45
b) one tenth greater than 29.12
c) one hundedth less than 32.46
d) one hundredth greater than 29.49

Round each number to the nearest whole number and to the nearest tenth.
a)16.72 would be 16 to the nearest whole number and 16.7 to the nearest tenth.

An electrician needs 9.45 m of wire. Wire is sold in lengths of whole metres.
How much wire should the electrician buy?

What set of 5 bills and 16 coins is worth $152.90

Please review the success criteria for this unit at the front of your green math notebook.
Correct your mistakes. Remember mistakes are only opportunities for learning if you correct them!

Test #1 Wednesday, October 19th.
Test #2 Friday, October 21st. 

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