Thursday 13 October 2016

Rounding decimals is just like rounding whole numbers. The value of the digit to the right of the place you are rounding to, decides whether you round up or down. 
Try these:
Continue reviewing by completing Skills Bank.

Today we read our first story in the Nelson text "Where the Big Fish Are". Make sure you write five good green questions about the story that are important to the plot. Answer each question using part of the question in your answer. For example:

Where did Bill and the narrator build their raft?
Bill and the narrator built their raft by the dock near the Mangrove swamp. 

Interesting information on Mangrove swamps:

Thank you to students who brought in nails, pennies and sandpaper to conduct their mineral tests. Please bring these for tomorrow to finishing testing five minerals in your kit.
Several students asked today about the hardness of a mineral if it cannot be scratched by an iron nail. I have included a copy of the Mohs scale the past two days on the blog. Please look at the posts carefully. It tells you the hardness of minerals that can be scratched or not scratched by certain materials.

Some background on lustre:
FYI: American spelling luster, Canadian spelling lustre

  • Return green Nighthawk shirt ASAP
  • Halloween permission form
  • $8.00 for Mathletics

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