Monday 3 October 2016

Today we started using an excellent on-line program called "Mathletics". All students went home today with a user name and password. Please read the information below:
Please make sure you complete the activities. If they are too difficult, click on the button "try something easier". If they are too easy, click on the button "try something harder". You are welcome to practice your fluency skills on Mathletics Live. Do not guess. Go slowly and use your mental math strategies. 

There is a small cost to use this program throughout the year. We will be determining the exact cost in the next week.

Keep practicing expressing decimals in different ways.
Write these decimals in standard form:
Put these decimals in the correct place on the number line.

Today we reviewed how the three different rocks are formed. We also so today how the rock cycle works. How can a sedimentary rock become a metamorphic rock? How can an igneous rock become a sedimentary rock? How can a metamorphic rock become an igneous rock? Review the video below:
Try the quiz below:

Learning Skills
Today we began our discussion on INDEPENDENT WORK. Read the success criteria outlined in your agenda. 

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