Sunday 2 October 2016

On Friday we talked about decimals. What are decimals? Decimals express amounts in between whole numbers. They are parts of a whole just like fractions. Their places are to the right of the ones. Whole numbers and decimals are separated by a decimal. Just like whole numbers, we can express decimals different ways.

We use the base ten blocks to show decimals. It's a little confusing because we use the hundred block to represent one whole because it can be divided into tenths and hundredths.

Look at the example below:
Try expressing the decimals below different ways:
1. 06

Family Life
What would the world be like if everyone were alike? That was the question we discussed. Do you remember the ways that we are alike? Different?
After recess on Friday we journeyed down the hall to the FDK classroom to interview our buddies. We will be using the results of our interview and our own observations to write a paragraph about our buddy.Think about words that you could use to describe your buddy based on what they said and what you have noticed.

Our buddies are in the EARLY CHILDHOOD stage of development. Do you remember the stages of development you have already traveled through?

Parents can look at the link below (Theme 1 Topic 2)

In art we studied the great artist Henri Matisse. We used his masterpiece....
to design our name.
Please view the video below to learn more about his style:

The success criteria for this art:
  • use of bright overlapping rectangular shapes in the background
  • use of "inorganic" shapes
  • three symbols that represent you
  • name clear and easy to read
  • creativity
  • colour choice
  • overall appearance (taking that step back and looking at it from a distance) 

Using teacher feedback is an extremely important part of learning. During the last period on Friday, we used teacher feedback to bump up our summaries of "Dictionary Dave". We will continue on Monday.

Cross Country this Thursday, October 6. Recently, we have been unable to run at school (weather and safety). Please make sure you are running at home in the evenings in a supervised area. You need to keep up your training!

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