Sunday 27 November 2016

Today marks the first Sunday of Advent. In the video we watched, we learned that Advent is very different than Christmas. It is the waiting and preparation for the arrival of a special guest, Jesus. We commemorate the birth of Christ over 2000 years ago (past), prepare for Jesus' return (future) and let the light of Christ shine in us each and every day (present). What do you remember about the Advent Wreath? What colour is associated with Advent? Share you Advent promises with a parent.

In our story, the mother said to her son that a candle is like a promise and when it is lit it was like a promise fulfilled. What did she mean?

On Friday we looked at another property of 2-dimensional shapes, symmetry. Everyone did an excellent job completing their Christmas symmetry drawing. Be sure to check out the bulletin board.

Lesson for tomorrow....

For tomorrow prepare a quadrilateral riddle. For example:
I have no lines of symmetry. My opposite sides are parallel and equal. What am I?
Quadrilateral Properties Worksheet
Note: For the kite definition adjacent means beside each other. There are also no parallel sides in a kite.

We read another powerful story about an eight year old Inuit girl who showed great courage. We will continue working on our tableaus this week. SUMMARIZE the story for a parent or family member. Use the video to help if you've forgotten some parts.

Time Capsules
Everyone has presented their time capsule. It was wonderful watching you share and listening to your family traditions. Please make sure your rubric is signed and returned. Next week we will repeat this process with our rock collections.

Christmas concert at St. George Parish on Tuesday, December 6th at 6:30. Our class will be singing "Silent Night" in three languages and "Toy Catalogues". Practice the words at home:
"Toy Catalogues" is sung to the tune of "O Christmas Tree".
Sorry, I don't have the lyrics to that song.

JoyFULL sock

Math tests, quizzes and rubric signed and returned

Permission form for "Seussical the Musical" one student who is not performing has not brought in a form for Tuesday.

Skating permission form.

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