Wednesday 30 November 2016

All grade fours have completed their descriptions of their quadrilateral robots. We are just completing typing the paragraphs in good. Remember to be imaginative and creative. Try to start sentences differently to add interest.

Today we also worked on sorting quadrilaterals based on properties. Play games on most difficult level.

Grade fives, please learn the names of different triangles based on lengths of size as well as angle measures.

Social Studies
Please learn the provinces, territories and capitals in Canada. This should just be a review because you were asked to learn these in September!


  • Christmas concert at St. George Tuesday, December 6th @ 6:30. Please practice songs using links from past posts. Parents, please write a note in your child's agenda indicating whether or not you will be able to attend.
  • JoyFULL socks
  • Bring in a Christmas ornament to put on the junior division Christmas tree in the front hallway.
  • Skating permission forms signed and returned.

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