Monday 7 November 2016

Make sure you complete all corrections for MId-Chapter Review or Skills Bank.
Common mistakes grade four...
  • forgetting to describe how each attribute changes
  • not colouring next three shapes
  • not finding gaps between numbers to find the pattern
  • not writing number pattern rules clearly
  • not reading questions carefully (forgetting to answer some parts)

Common mistakes grade five..
  • not understanding headings for charts
  • not using shape before to determine how the shape / arrangement grows
  • mistakes when finding gaps
  • forgetting how to find the sum of a series of numbers that increase by the same amount
Most students corrected their mistakes... BRAVO!
Be aware of questions that have been tricky.... complete similar questions carefully.

Complete the main idea for "Jenny Taylor's Challenge"
Main Idea = Author's Message + Proof + Explanation

Today we looked at ways that we use rocks and minerals. Complete your charts using information from the textbook. You can research on the Internet if you wish. There is a lot of information in your textbook, so it is not necessary, but feel free!

Example Chart 1

Rock or Mineral

Example Chart 2

Rocks and Minerals
Sand, soda, lime
glass / fibreglass

Learning Skills
Our fourth learning skills is self-regulation. Using your agenda as a guide, share with your parents the success criteria for self-regulation. Did you set your learning goal in your agenda? Is it specific?
Remember the words of Sensei. What is the art of Biscotti Karate?
Eyes _________
Ears _________
Voice __________
Body __________

Are you a whole body listener?

  • Book Fair tomorrow
  • Progress Report envelopes.... return signed
  • Parent-Teacher interviews Thursday evening
  • School Mass on Friday (Remembrance Day)
Mrs. Allen, our school librarian is desperately searching for parent volunteers to help with the Book Fair on Tuesday and Wednesday. If you can help, please let me know or just come on in!

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