Reading tests are done! Most of you have finished your first draft of your persuasive letter. Revisions tomorrow then publishing. We would like to complete this assignment before the holidays. You don't want to be writing a letter to Santa after the holidays!
Today we constructed a broken line graph. What TRENDS did the graph show about precipitation in Calcutta, India? Remember trends on a line graph decrease, increase or stay the same. What trends do you notice on the graph below?
Social Studies
We talked about natural resources today. What is a natural resource?

What are the three main natural resources in the Cordillera? How do we use these gifts from nature?
- Secret Santa gift exchange tomorrow. Please place your gift under the tree in the morning.
- Pajama day or purple and pink day tomorrow. Wear something cosy to school. Make sure you're warm enough to go outside.
- Garage sale tomorrow. Bring a loonie or toonie to support the grade eight graduation.
- Christmas craft day on Thursday. Make sure you have your baby food jar.
- Skating on Friday at Kinsmen Arena. We will leave at 11:45 am. We are on the ice from 12:30 to 1:30 pm.
- Please return tests signed.
5 more sleeps until Christmas!
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