Sunday 29 January 2017

The Gustav Klimt paintings look wonderful. You all took your time and tried your very best. Bravo! We will finish up this week.

On Friday we talked about estimating sums and differences. When we estimate we use our ROUNDING SKILLS from the beginning of the year. There are many ways to estimate. You can round to the nearest 1000, 100, 10 or find the upper and lower estimate. For example:

There are 1864 pandas left in the world. There are 786 mountain gorillas left in the world (true facts!). About how many of these two endangered species are there left in the world?

Round to nearest 10:
2650        There are about 2650 mountain gorillas and pandas left in the world.

Round to nearest 100
2700      There are about 2700 mountain gorillas and pandas left in the world.

Round to nearest 1000
  3000      There are about 3000 mountain gorillas and pandas left in the world.

Lower estimate (round both numbers down)    
Upper estimate (round both numbers up)

2700           There are between 2500 and 2700 mountain gorillas and pandas left in the world.

Which estimate is most accurate? Think about it.

We also shared a different way to add numbers from left to right. For example:

In the method above, we add each place value separately starting at the 1000.
Review of addition with regrouping:

Estimate the sums. Then calculate the sum using pencil and paper (regrouping starting at ones place value) and the new method we practiced on Friday.

Social Studies
We are completing our study of the natural resources in the Interior Plains. Please think about the costs and benefits to the environment of the four major natural resources, oil, potash mining, crop farming and ranching. What are examples of secondary, tertiary and quaternary industries for each one?
This may help:

  • Finish your Mathletics assignments. Congratulations to Devon and Sophie F. The only students who have completed all of their assignments. If you scored below 80% the assignments will be reassigned. 
  • Returned tests signed.

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