Monday 30 January 2017

Today we went through the properties of addition and subtraction.

Rules of Addition and Subtraction

1.         Addition and subtraction “undo” each other. They are related opposite (inverse) operations.

2.         COMMUTATIVE PROPERTY: You can add numbers in any order.
            This is not true for subtraction.

3.         ASSOCIATIVE PROERTY: When you add two numbers, you can take away from one 
            number and give it to the other number without changing the SUM.
            This is not true for subtraction.

4.         DISTRIBUTIVE PROPERTY: You can add or subtract in parts.

5.         When you subtract two numbers, you can add or subtract the same amount to both numbers             without changing the difference.
            This is not true for addition.

6.         When you add or subtract 0 to or from a number, the answer is always the number you started            with.

7.         When you add 1 to a number, the sum is the next number. When you subtract     one, the             difference is the number before.

Using your handout as a guide, find the sum or difference in your yellow math notebook to the following questions:

67 + 18 (#3 Associative Property)
81 - 29 (# 5 Add/Subtract same amount)
27 + 59 (# 4 Distributive Property)
86 - 28 (#4 Distributive Property)
54 + 29 (#4 and #3 two ways)
78 - 19 (choose a strategy and identify it)
45 + 39 (choose a strategy and identify it)
Write one two digit subtraction word problem and one two-digit addition word problem. Remember the different meanings of subtractions: take away, comparing two numbers and adding up.

Please read over the Beatitudes. Do you remember what each means? How can you live each Beatitude in your life? Just watch the first few minutes.

We began writing our small moments today. Some great leads..... what will you write next?

Social Studies
We continued our study of the natural resources and industries of the Interior Plains. Remember you definition of an industry. It produces something to sell.
Secondary industry for oil drilling would be an oil refinery. Find an example in the Plains.
Secondary industry for beef - Meat processing plant
Secondary industry for potash - Company that makes fertilizer.
Try to find specific examples for each on the Internet.
Be specific with the tertiary and quaternary industries. What would they research?

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