Monday 16 January 2017

Today we read a beautiful story called "The Butterfly House". Each day we will be reading an example of a good small moment or personal narrative. Think about a memorable experience. It could be....

  • scoring a goal
  • swimming with dolphins
  • riding a roller coaster
  • winning a race
  • falling off your bike
  • opening a present on Christmas morning

The list could go on and on. These are just a few that students have written about in the past. We're just thinking about an idea at this point. Any memory that has strong emotions associated with it are always great to write about.

Tomorrow you will work with a partner to complete an example of PERSONIFICATION.

Most students had little difficulty creating double bar graph by hand or using the computer.
8 students did not complete their graphs from the blog this past weekend. I will be marking them tonight and giving feedback. On Wednesday we will have a test on pictographs. You must be able to construct and draw conclusions from a pictograph.

Social Studies
We began our travels through the Interior Plains. Please make sure you complete your chart on the landforms in the Interior Plains. It is just like the one we did on the Cordillera (no names needed). Use words such as southern Alberta or northwestern region or throughout the entire region when describing location.


  • Tubing permission forms and money
  • cereal box / cereal bar labels including ingredients
  • gym clothes
  • indoor running shoes

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