Saturday 21 January 2017

Everyone did very well on the stem-and-leaf plot test. Remember when comparing different plots, use the medians to support conclusions. For example, most students knew more of the spinner was red and Windsor was warmer than Collingwood. The proof for the stem-and-leaf plot was the median was higher or their were higher stems. Saying the numbers were higher isn't particularly mathematical. The median temperature for Windsor was 5 degrees higher than Collingwood, so it is a warmer city.

Test on bar graph with intervals on Monday. Review the ones you have constructed in your notebook (there are about 5 of them). More practice.....

These are the ages of people at a family reunion:

32, 1, 45, 12, 37, 8, 9, 55, 81, 34, 4, 7, 28, 49, 67, 16, 5, 2, 75, 57, 71, 40, 41, 36, 69, 85, 91 51, 59, 33, 38

Remember to find the range first. This will help you determine the interval for your bars.  
Highest - Lowest = Range
91 - 1 = 90

If you use an interval of 10 years that would mean 9 bars which is too many. So what would be a better interval? If 10 years gives you about 10 bars use......

Try your bar graph with intervals on the computer using the link below:

Please make sure you complete your double bar graphs on the computer. There are many students who have not finished.

The tableaux reflecting the ideas in the book "When I Was Eight" look great. I few more practices and you'll be ready to present to the younger students.

Good start on our Gustav Klimt art. Some clever heads peeking out from quilts.

On Friday, Father Pedro had a wonderful message about how we show we are followers of Christ.
In our words.... in our hearts ... in our hands....
So don't forget to be kind, be loving and be helpful.


  • 6 students have not brought their permission forms for Tubing on Thursday.
  • We are in need of 3 parents to help on Thursday January 26. If you are able to come and have some fun on the hills with us, please let me know as soon as possible.
  • All tests, rubrics must be signed and returned.
  • Finish your Mathletics assignments.

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