Wednesday 1 February 2017

Lots of math today! Grade 4 practiced solving one step addition problems and checking if the answer was reasonable by using estimation. Remember, when you explain your thinking, it is reasonable if your estimate is close to your actual sum or difference.

Grade 5 worked on a couple of tricky 2-step problems using ALL FOUR OPERATIONS. Make sure you complete your homework!

Today in Library, Mrs. Allen showed some of you resources that are available on the Board website. You can use them at home to read books, research information or view educational videos.

Social Studies
Most of you have a good start creating your flow chart. We'll have one more period and then you'll have to finish it on your own time at recesses. Please read about the Canadian Shield for tomorrow and think about whether you'd like to design a postage stamp or license plate for our next assignment.


  • Mathletics assignments
  • Return tests signed
  • Tomorrow report cards will go home. Please remember that a report card is a snapshot of your achievement at a particular time. For example, I've noticed great improvement in numeracy skills from the beginning of the year.
  • We will be hosting STUDENT LED CONFERENCES next week. Stay tuned for more details...
  • Next Friday our class will be leading the mass at St. Nicholas for our school. If you are given the opportunity to read, please make sure you practice your part.
Extra mental math practice:

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