Wednesday 15 February 2017

Money, money, money!
Making sure you are given the correct change after a purchase is a VERY important life skill. The strategy we used in grade 4 was adding up on a number line.

Grade 5 have an extra step this evening. You must first calculate the total cost of several purchases (yes, you may use a calculator to find the total), then find the change using a number line and using the subtracting in chunks.

So for our purchase above we would decompose $24.65 into $20.00 + $4.00 + $0,60 + $0.05

40.00 - $20.00 = $20.00
$20.00 - $4.00 = $16.00
$16.00 - $0.60 = $15.40
$15.40 - $0.05 = $15.35

Of course we get the same answer, we just used different strategies.

Try these. Estimate first, then use a number line to find the change.

Also practice your 100 pairs. How much more to make 100?

34, 72, 91, 51, 68, 24

Today we explored some traits of the other character in the story "Camping at Cave Creek", Brigitte. She is very different from her brother Brett!.Tomorrow we will use the traits and proof to write a APE response.

Please make sure you return your library books on Wednesdays. We have a wonderful collection of books for you to read! Book Fair next week.

Social Studies
We finished our study of the Arctic with discussing some of the different industries. A fish processing plant wasn't appealing to most of you. Cleaning fish isn't your cup of tea!


  • Return Addition and Subtraction quiz signed.
  • Complete Mathletics assignments.
  • Math quiz on Friday, adding and subtracting decimals.
  • BRING A DRY ERASE MARKER. I have no extras for you to borrow.

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