Wednesday 5 April 2017

Today Ms. Di Caterina introduced AREA. What is the difference between area and perimeter?
What units are used for area? Why? What connection do you see about the shape of the rectangles with the same area and the perimeter?
How do you find the area of a rectangle? The video clip below is a good review. As soon as he starts to talk about triangles, you can stop (unless you're interested in learning more).

Try these:
The next math test will be on time:
  • Telling time to the nearest minute.
  • Determining elapsed time given start and end time.
  • Determining end time given start and elapsed time.
  • Determining start time given end and elapsed time.
  • Expressing minutes as hours.
  • Using both a number line and subtraction to find elapsed time.
  • Solving time problems using a t-chart.
  • Solving problems using larger units of time: decades, centuries, millennia
  • 24-hour clock
We'll try to have a test before Easter, but next week might be a little busy.

Today we began working with our reading groups. Everyone did very well for the first time. It is important that you are prepared for reading groups which includes having questions ready and HAVING PRACTICED READING THE BOOK. Some of the books are quite long so it is important that everyone read fluently.

Dialogues are almost finished. Ms. Di Caterina has been very busy conferencing with each group to give feedback.

Social Studies
Please bring in your research tomorrow, including books. We'll try to meet we everyone to ensure that your ready for Friday. Today you got a good look at the grade 7/8 projects. I hope you now understand how your display board must be organized.

Tomorrow we will be having a "ketchup day" to finish:
  • Math tests
  • Research
  • Dialogues
  • Reading tests
  • Any other unfinished work.
We do not have the laptops.... they are book solid. We do have I-Pads.
Don't forget to correct test questions grade 4.
Hint for #4b)....... Each side length is not a whole number.

Check out on-line multiplication quizzes:

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