Tuesday 4 April 2017

Grade 5: Perimeter test tomorrow. Review questions from past posts on calculating perimeter of rectangles. Don't forget circumference!
Find the perimeter:

What is the perimeter of a regular octagon with a side length of 8 cm?
What is the length of each side of a regular pentagon with a perimeter of 45 m?

Grade 4: Larger units of time
How many years in a decade? How many years in a century? How many decades in a century? How many years in a millennium? How many centuries in a millennium? How many decades in a millennium?
Galileo built the first telescope in 1609. About how many centuries ago was that? How many decades?
The electric refrigerator was invented in 1928. About how many decades ago was that?

Today Ms. Di Caterina set up a few experiments to show the digestion in the mouth and stomach. Share with a parent what happened to the cracker in the cup with water? What did you do? How does it related to what really happens in the mouth. What happened in the bag? What did the plastic bag represent? What does the water represent? What is the enzyme in the saliva called? What does it do? What happened when you added iodine to the different foods? What is starch broken down into?

Make sure you read your investigation so you know what to do for tomorrow.

Social Studies
Please continue working on your research. Gather your information in rough on a paper and then type it out. Remember to put ideas in your own words and don't just use the Internet. Use books! Friday is our deadline. You will be given the afternoon to put together your display board. Bring everything you need.

Don't forget to read your book and write your questions on the sticky notes in your bag. The questions are remembering questions (Who? What? Where? When?). The answer to remembering questions are on the page. DO NOT FORGET YOUR BOOK AT HOME.


  • Math tests signed
  • Tickets for Lion King
  • Display board

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