Wednesday 19 April 2017

Today we reviewed the relationship between the length and width of a rectangle and the area. EVERYONE should know:


Please make sure you are writing this EACH time you calculate the area of a rectangle. For example: A garden has a width of 5m and a length of 8 m. What is the area?

Area =length x width
         = 8 m x 5 m
         = 40 m2

The garden has an area of 40 m2

It is easy to find the length or width given the area. For example:
A rectangle has an area of 32 cm and a width of 4 cm. What is the length?

Area = length x width
32 cm = length x 4 cm

Think.... what number multiplied by 4 equals 32? 4 x 8 = 32 So...

32 cm2 = 8 cm x 4 cm

The length of the rectangle is 8 cm.


Don't worry about area of triangles (but you will need to know it in grade 6).

Today we began talking about the respiratory system. What is the function of the respiratory system? Do you remember the different parts of the respiratory system? Watch this video for review:
Pay special attention to how your breathing is regulated (controlled). How does your body know you need to breathe more often such as when you exercise?

Next week we will have a test on the digestive system. Make sure you know:

  • the parts 
  • the role of each part
  • function of the digestive system
  • investigations we have done in class and what they mean
  • how to keep your digestive system healthy
How can you keep your digestive system healthy?
Ten tips below:

Please try to bring in a 2 L plastic bottle for next week to construct a model of the lungs.

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