Monday 3 April 2017

Today you learned about the 24-hour clock. How is it different than the 12- hour clock? You should be able to change from one clock to the other. Remember:

  • The 12-hour clock repeats hours so it much have either am or pm with the time
  • The 24-hour clock does not repeat hours but continues past 12 to 23:00 (no am or pm)
  • To change from one to the other it is a factor of 12

Grade 4: Perimeter test tomorrow / Grade 5 test Wednesday
  • You must be able to measure to find the perimeter of  shapes
  • Find the perimeter of rectangles and EXPLAIN YOUR METHOD
  • Find the length given the perimeter and width
  • Draw different rectangles / shapes with equal perimeters
  • Solve perimeter problems (see two problems from weekend post)
Fencing, framing, borders are all key words that tell you your problem is related to perimeter.

Today we watched the gospel about Jesus, Mary, Martha and Lazarus. What happened? Why do you think Jesus chose to raise Lazarus from the dead? Why did he wait until Lazarus had died to go to Bethany instead of curing him when he was sick? How did the leaders of the Jewish faith respond to Jesus' miracle?

Our class will be presenting the stations of the cross to the school on Thursday, April 13th at 1:15 pm in the gym. Students are asked to wear black pants and plain black t-shirt or top. If you do not have black, wear navy pants and navy golf shirt. 

Social Studies
Many students have had difficulty researching their inquiry question. So I have decided to simplify the research. Most students now have a region or province. They have been given an outline and some books from the library. Currently, we are unable to print our projects. You may bring a memory stick and print it from my computer. Students are encouraged to hand write their rough copy. We will be putting everything together on this FRIDAY. Visuals must be printed at home. Three panel display boards are available at the Dollar Store for $2.00. If you cannot find one, they also sell foam boards or corrugated boards, which are also fine. 

Tomorrow we will be conducted investigations on the first part of digestion in the mouth. Do you remember the two types of digestion that happen in the mouth? Ch_ _ _ _ _ _ and Mec _ _ _ _ _ _ _

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