Tuesday 25 April 2017

Today's Science investigation was a lesson in patience and perseverance. The bottles did not work very well despite how hard we tried. Fear not! I have discovered a new way of making the lung using a plastic cup (with a lip to hold the balloon tightly). We will try again tomorrow. We did not get a chance to review for the test on the digestive system so it has been moved to FRIDAY. We will spend some time reviewing tomorrow.
Follow the path of hamburger using these words and the diagram. Try to use as many words as possible.

Please review how to calculate the area of irregular shapes grade five. Grade four, keep practicing finding rectangles with the same area and rectangles with the same perimeters. Some of you have an excellent understanding. PLEASE TO NOT SKIP STEPS Your first line should be .....

A = L x W or P = (L+ W) x 2

USE A TABLE / CHART WHEN FINDING COMBINATIONS. You must know your multiplication facts to ensure you have all possible lengths and widths.

What is the area of the grey?

A rectangle has an area of 48 cm2
and a perimeter of 32 cm. What is the length and width of the rectangle?

Today the students not participating in the play started creating a power point on the ways we can keep our skin healthy. Think of five ways you can keep your skin healthy. What can happen if you do not keep is healthy?

Students in the play.... try your very best to keep up in math. Ask questions if you don't understand. We will wait until the play is over to have a math test, but keep studying your MULTIPLICATION FACTS.

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