Monday 24 April 2017

Today we reviewed area. Grade fours seemed to have a good understanding of area and how to use the relationship between the length and the width to solve area problems (Area = Length x Width). Grade fives had more difficulty. You must be able to apply Area = length x width find the area of shapes that can be divided into rectangles. You need to PRACTICE. Please complete your review sheets CAREFULLY. Do not skip steps. Always start with the relationship between the length and width of a rectangle and the area.

Please make sure you bring your 2 L bottle for TOMORROW. If you don't have a 2 L bottle, just bring a small plastic water bottle. It will work with either. This is how it will be made:

Test on digestive system on Wednesday. Please review information from the post on Saturday. If you can answer all those questions, you will do well on the test. If' you're not sure about some of the questions, please come and see me. We will do a bit of review tomorrow.

Today we read "Gross" Part 2. Tomorrow you will be working on your story map using Part 1 as a guide.

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