Monday 1 May 2017

What a treat it was to see a sneak preview of "The Lion King". Everyone performed so wonderfully.... 
Congratulations to all performers!

We squeezed in a short lesson on long division. Remember the steps:
Step 1: Divide
Step 2: Multiply
Step 3: Subtract

Some long division questions will have a REMAINDER. This is the amount left over that cannot be divided equally. Later we will long at the meaning of the remainder. Please try to complete the first page of long division. The second page is like the first, except that quotient has two digits so you must repeat the steps above. Watch a clip of our friend on Math Antics explain long division.

Please make sure you finish single digit division and multiplication (facts). You will be very busy for the remainder of the week so try to get done as much as possible. Make sure you duotang is here tomorrow. Some of you need to finish correcting.
USE YOUR MULTIPLICATION CHART. Do not do repeated addition to find the answer.

More practice:

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