Tuesday, 13 June 2017

Today we reviewed the different ways to express fractions, less than one and greater than one. We need a bit more time to review. We are going to take a step backward and place fractions on a number line on Thursday. Many students didn't recognize fractions less than one and improper fractions greater than one.

Keep reviewing multiplication and division using your study guides. The assumption is that everyone can determine the answer to a basic multiplication or division fact. Today's assessment was marking you on FLUENCY and RECALL of the facts. If you are skip counting, you took over 5 minutes and you made errors that showed counting instead of recalling the wrong fact. For example, if a student answered 8 x 4 = 36 instead of 32, then the student knows the 4 times table, just recalled the wrong fact. But if a student wrote 8 x 4 = 31, then I know they are using repeating addition because 31 is not in any times table and that's SOME KNOWLEDGE (Level 2).

Social Studies
The pamphlets are coming along. Just a few more periods and you should be done. Stories and pamphlets should be finished very soon. You should be very proud of your hard work!

There are several grade fives who have not constructed an artifact. Please bring materials. You have until the end of the week. Work on your consequences of first contact research sheet. Instead of conflicts, challenges would have been a better word to use.

Today we talked about some of the short-term effects of alcohol. The short-term effects of alcohol can happen after one evening of drinking. The short-term effects include effects after low, moderate and high doses of alcohol. You I-Movie is your LAST collaborative assignment.

Short-term effects
In low doses, alcohol produces:
A relaxing effect
Poor concentration
Slow reflexes
Reduced coordination
Slower brain activity

In medium doses, alcohol produces:
Slurred speech
Altered emotions
Poor vision
Increased urine production
More blood flow to skin surface
Lower core body temperature

In high doses, alcohol produces:
Breathing difficulties
Passing out
Alcohol poisoning
Possible death

Family Life
Tomorrow the grade fives will be journey across the hall for the first lesson in Family Life on "Created Sexual: Male and Female"  The grade four students will remain with me.

Information regarding content:
Grade 4: http://acbo.on.ca/englishdocs/Gd4.Fam.Theme3.pdf
Grade 5: http://acbo.on.ca/englishdocs/FA.Gd5.Fam.Th3.pdf

  • Play Day tomorrow. Wear red or blue (depending on your team). Bring hat, sunscreen, water bottle, sunglasses etc. 
  • End of the year trip forms and risk forms due ASAP
  • Tests signed 

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