Monday 12 September 2016

Our number talk today focused on making landmark or friendly numbers to numbers that are close to a multiple of ten. Adding onto a multiple of 10 can be done in one step or two steps.

For example:
59 + 23 = 60 + 22 = 60 + 20 + 2 = 82 (took one from the 23 to give to 59 to make a multiple of 10.

Try these (mental math not pencil and paper):

79 + 14
39 + 25
46+ 49

Today we also reviewed expressing numbers different ways:

Standard form: 45 782

Expanded form (numbers): 40 000 + 5000 + 700 + 80 + 2

Expanded form (numbers and words):
4 ten thousands + 5 thousands + 7 hundreds + 8 tens + 2 ones

Words (how you read it): forty-five thousand seven hundred eighty-two

Base-10 Blocks on a place value chart (difficult to insert on blog)

Express the following number all five ways:

Grade Four: 6904
Grade Five: 86 931

Today we discussed our third before reading strategy, setting a purpose. Knowing why we are reading can affect how we read. 

We were able to do a few writing conferences today. Remember to use your Book of Lists our a Thesaurus to choose more descriptive adjectives, verbs and adverbs.

Learning Skills
Our first learning skill is RESPONSIBILITY.  Do you remember the five ways that we can show responsibility in the classroom?

  • I come to class prepared with all the necessary materials.
  • I follow rules and routines independently.
  • I take ownership for my behaviour.
  • I take care of the classroom, school and community environments.
  • I complete work neatly and on time.
Please read over the information in your agenda about RESPONSIBILITY.

International Dot Day
This Thursday, September 15th we will be celebrating International Dot Day. We will be doing some fun activities throughout the day. You are encouraged to wear dots (with your uniform) e.g. dotted socks, dotted scarf, dotted fingernails, sticker dots, the possibilities are endless. If you have a Twister game or sidewalk chalk, please bring them to school on Thursday.

Here's a link to the book:

What do you think is Peter Reynolds' message? Why did he write the book?

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