Saturday 17 September 2016

Still some difficulty expressing numbers using base-ten blocks. The least number of blocks is putting the greater number of blocks possible in the places that are worth the most.
For example:
46 713
The greatest number of ten thousand blocks is 4, thousands 6, hundreds 7, tens 1, ones 3

But that's not the only way we express that number using base ten blocks. We can regroup one of the ten-thousands as 10 groups of one thousand. It's still has the same value. So we would have:
3 ten-thousands (because he regrouped one), 10 thousands (we regrouped) + 6 thousands (already there) = 16 thousands, and the rest... 7 hundreds, 1 ten, 3 ones.

The possibilities are endless. To check if in fact your way is correct, add all the values to see if you get the original number. For example:

3 ten-thousands = 30 000
16 thousands = 1600
7 hundreds = 700
1 ten = 10
3 ones = 3

If you add them all up, you do in fact get 46 713 so you are correct!

Check out the video below:

Try these:

Please show your parents the Prodigy Math letter. There are several assignments I have given you. According to reports from Prodigy that I receive, the average for writing numbers from base ten blocks is 33%. We are not understanding this concept YET. Keep practising.

Every day you complete one stretchy-sentence. Make sure your sentence is one complete thought that makes sense. If you are not using your Book of Lists or a thesaurus, you are not expanding your vocabulary.

Great job grade four copying your stretchy sentences neatly in your Writing Notebook. You will be given feedback on how you are doing so far. This is assessment as learning. Please make sure you look at the writing techniques you are doing well and those that could use some improvement.

  • School mass at St. George on Tuesday, September 20 @ 9:30 am
  • If you have not remitted your $35.00 for the cost of field trips, please do so as soon as possible.
  • Cross Country permission forms are due MONDAY.
  • Several students have still not returned their information sheets from the office. It is important that current contact information is at the office in the event of an emergency.
  • The grade 5 students had a wonderful trip to Thames Valley Children Centre and the Highland Golf and Country Club. They were very well-behaved and learned many things about how TVCC helps the children in our community. BRAVO!

Enjoy the weekend. Good start.... the Jays have one two in a row.

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