Thursday 15 September 2016

We certainly made our mark today! You all looked wonderful with your dots.
We started the day with EXTREME dot to dots. Did you persevere and complete your picture? Don't forget to return and sign it.

We had some wonderful group discussions using "talking chips". Everyone showed good conversation manners by  listening and speaking in turn.

Great job with your kindergarten buddies today making wonderful chalk dots. You will be a role model to your buddy throughout the first term. We will change buddies in term two. 
Kindergarten children clip art school id clipart pictures
Thank you to all the students who brought sidewalk chalk. If you have time, take a walk to the schoolyard to see  all the masterpieces before they disappear with the rain.
Tomorrow grade fives will be going to Thames Valley Children's Centre for a tour in the morning, then heading to the Highland Golf and Country Club to watch a CPGA tour event. Remember your golf etiquette, wear RED and WHITE and pack a hearty lunch because you will be gone all day.

Permission forms for the upcoming cross country meets as well as an information sheet were sent home today. Please return the permission forms as soon as possible. 

Students are invited to set up an Powtoon account: 
Your student e-mail: student
If you have some time, explore the program to see what you can do!

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