Thursday 3 November 2016

Both grades must finish their Mid-Chapter Reviews. So far both grades should be able to...
  • Identify, create, extend and write pattern rules for shape and number patterns
  • Number patterns include increasing and decreasing by the same amount and different amounts
  • Show and organize number patterns using t-tables and charts
  • Use pattern strategies to solve problems
Grade 5 only has one more lesson and then the content and the skills in the unit are complete.
Grade 4 will be looking at number patterns on a 100 chart and chain patterns.
Both grades will be completing review sheets over the next few weeks. We hope to finish the unit in two weeks.
Some excellent ideas for the author's message this morning. We will post all the ideas on chart paper, then you'll use the one that you think is the most important to complete the MAIN IDEA of the story. Remember the author's message are like the words of wisdom in the story that we can use in our lives.
Tomorrow is the last day you will be given class time to complete your rock summary chart and your time capsule. If you have not completed either of those assignments you must stay in at lunch recesses next week. When completing these types of assignments, ask yourself the following questions:
  • Did you try your best?
  • Are you proud of your work?
  • Is it neat and organized?
  • Did I follow the success criteria?
  • Did I check my conventions (spelling, capital letters, punctuation)


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