Wednesday 23 November 2016

Great job working with your group to find the answers to the exploration questions on Elliot Lake. Tomorrow we will do our gallery walk and write the answers in our notebooks.

All power points must be completed at lunch recesses. If you brought a memory stick to school, you can work on it at home. Outline:
 Slide 1: Picture and title
Slide 2: Properties
Slide 3: Products
Slide 4: Uses
Slide 5: Costs of using (negative)
Slide 6: Benefits of using (positive)
Slide 7: Method of mining use to extract (underground or surface mining)
Slide 8: Other interesting facts

Please return your Patterns Test signed.

If you are on "Share a Book" for the week, make sure you are prepared to share a picture book on WEDNESDAY during LIBRARY.

  • Joy-FULL socks for Advent campaign
  • Permission form for Seussical the Musical (no money)

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