Wednesday 7 December 2016

This morning we began our Christmas persuasive writing. We discussed the different persuasive techniques and how people use them. Today everyone finished the first part of their pre-writing: your topic, opinion and three reasons. Do you remember all the persuasive techniques we discussed? Did you use three different ones when outlining your reasons?

We continued reviewing 2-D Geometry. Please complete your homework and get it signed by a parent. 

Today we began our discussion of healthy living by talking about Canada's Food Guide and nutrients.
Share with a parent the information that is contained in the food guide.
What are the different types of nutrients? Why do we need nutrients? Where do we get nutrients?
Here are some links to help you remember the answer to these questions:
This video has information about nutrients. In the United States they use a food pyramid instead of the food guide we use:
Which nutrients are the macronutrients? Which are the micronutrients?

Today everyone was given a study guide for the first science test. Please complete it carefully using your textbook and notebook. You should get done the first page at least. We will go over the correct answers orally only.

Social Studies
Can you name six non-fiction features and how they help us understand what we are reading? We will be using these features throughout our unit on the Physical Regions of Canada. Our first stop is the Cordillera. What provinces and territories are part of the Cordillera? 

Keep studying the capitals, provinces and territories. Congratulations to Rhys who completed his quiz correctly three times. You will be given the quiz until mastery i.e. until you know it!

  • Upcoming tests on Friday, December 9th (Geometry), Tuesday, December 13th (Geometry), Wednesday, December 14th (Science), Thursday, December 15th (Reading). That's a lot of tests. Study a bit each night. 
  • Show your parents your Secret Santa note.
  • JoyFULL socks 

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