Thursday 8 December 2016

Today we wrote explanations to support our reasons. Next week we will use our organizer to start writing our persuasive letter.

For the test tomorrow, the focus will be angles. Classifying angles, constructing angles, measuring angles using a protractor and comparing angles to benchmark angles. Make sure you have your protractor for tomorrow and complete your booklet.

Most of you have chosen a macronutrient or micronutrient to research. Your poster must include:
  • name of nutrient
  • foods that are rich in nutrient (variety)
  • function of nutrient in your body (why does your body need it)
  • what happens when you are deficient in that nutrient (don't get enough)
  • catch-phrase to encourage people to eat food rich in that nutrient
Your poster should also have photographs, different types and sizes of fonts, textboxes and captions.

Social Studies
The Cordillera has a wide-variety of physical features or landforms. How many mountain ranges run north to south? What other type of highland does it have? What two types of lowlands? What types of trees can be found in the Cordillera. Tomorrow we will finish our chart. Monday we will talk about the difference between weather and climate.

Complete your study guide.

  • Last few days to bring joyFULL socks
  • Mass tomorrow @9:30 at St. George Church
  • Keep studying your capitals, provinces and territories
  • Bring in skating permission form
  • Swiss Chalet hot lunch

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