Thursday 23 February 2017

Last day of review of addition and subtraction of money. We will have a test next TUESDAY, February 28th. Please take home your notebooks over the weekend. Look at your mistakes and learn from them! Next up is Measurement, but we will also be doing multiplication and division. Bell work every day will be multiplication and division, lessons from the textbook will be Measurement. PLEASE LEARN YOUR MULTIPLICATION FACTS.

We will be finishing our character traits essay question (last day). Remember to explain your proof using your own ideas and background knowledge. Next week we will meet Alia Mohammed Baker, the Librarian of Basra. Where is Basra?

Social Studies
Your ability to participate in "Talking Chips" is improving. Communicating involves both speaking and listening. Speaking in turn takes self-regulation. You should have learned that there are many climate zones in the Canadian Shield because it is so large. The northern part is similar to the Arctic while the southern part is the weather we are used to camping and going to the cottage in the summer.

For an upcoming assignment, watch the weather channel. What kinds of things do they report when forecasting the weather?


  • Hot chocolate and cookie day tomorrow ($2.00)
  • Off-uniform
  • Return tests corrected and signed
  • Permission forms for French trip
  • Mathletics

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