Wednesday 22 February 2017

Some pretty tricky problems today. We will be sharing the solutions to a few problems. See if you can find the solution to these problems:

Two television sets cost $1000. One television is $280 more than the other set.
What is the price of each television set?

What is the sum? Use a mental math strategy.
9.+ 99 + 999 + 9999 + 99 999 + 999 999 + 9 999 999

Which two 4-digit numbers have a sum of 8000 and a difference of 500?

Today we revised our character charts to include specific proof to support our inferred traits. Tomorrow you will be typing your essay styled answered using the proof and your OWN explanations.

What was the message of the gospel reading today? Why does Jesus want us to love our enemies?

Social Studies
Today we looked at the physical features of the Canadian Shield. Make sure you finish your summary chart of the features and the location within the Canadian Shield. Tomorrow we will look at climate.

  • Return tests corrected and signed.
  • Review subtraction strategies. Many are still confused about how to make an easier question.
  • Hot chocolate and chocolate chip cookie day on Friday.
  • Mathletics

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