Monday 6 February 2017

Please correct your mistakes from Mid-Chapter Review. I will be working with the grade fours tomorrow. If you do not understand a skill or a question, please make sure you come and see me. Review past posts to help you out. Reasoning skills are as important as computation skills. They will help you be a good problem solver.

A few practice questions:

There are 2763 students in secondary school and 1248 student in elementary school. What is the total number of students in both schools? How do you know your answer is reasonable?

Jack travels from Toronto to Madrid at a distance of 6049 kms. Then he flies to Paris at a distance of 1065 kms.  What is the total distance Jack flies? How do you know your answer is reasonable?

A school has a total of 1476 students in the chess, filmmaking, and computer clubs. The chess club has 203 students, and the filmmaking club has 467. How many students are in the computer club? Order the steps you would take to solve the problem.

Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone. He started his work on inventing the telephone in 1872 and the first phone call was made 4 years later. If it is 2004 now, how many years ago did he invent the telephone? Order the steps you would take to solve the problem.

Short math test on adding and some subtracting on Thursday.

The gospel reading for Sunday was about how we are called to be the salt of the earth and the light of world. What does that mean? How do we do this in our lives every day? Watch the video for some suggestions:

Everyone has given feedback to another classmate about his/her small moment. Tomorrow you will be revising your writing using that feedback.

Social Studies
Today we talked about the climate in the Arctic. You should have written about the climate in the two climate zones and made two conclusions for each climograph. Make sure you finish question #2. What activities would be part of life in the Arctic because of the cold climate? Draw and label three sketches.

I love the quote in your textbook today. What did she mean? Why did she feel the need to say this?
"People in the Arctic have a human right to live in a cold climate."


  • Return report card envelops and report cards. I am still waiting for 7 envelopes.
  • Practice your mass reading. Make sure you can read the words fluently. No need to memorize, just practice reading clearly, loudly, slowly so that everyone can understand you.
  • Student led conferences on Thursday evening. You must come with your parent(s) to the interview.

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