Saturday 22 April 2017

In grade four we looked at finding different rectangles with the same area. To keep track of the combinations, we used an organized list or table. Make sure you remember the difference between the area of a rectangle and the perimeter of a rectangle. We also looked at finding the perimeter or shapes that can be divided into rectangles and determining the area by adding all the rectangles inside the shape. For example:
How could you find the area of this shape? Hint: divide it into three rectangles then add the areas.

We are just about ready to have a test on area and perimeter. Remember....

On Wednesday we will be having a test on the digestive system. You must be able to:
  • Label the parts of the digestive system on a diagram.

  • The muscles in your esophagus push food down to your stomach. Would digestion work the same if your were upside down? Outline an experiment that you could do to test this question. Include:
  • Question
  • Hypothesis
  • Materials
  • Procedure

  • Describe a journey of a hamburger through your digestive system. Write what happens to the hamburger as it passes through each part of the digestive system: mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine.

  • While watching television you hear the statement, "You are what you eat." Is this true? Explain why or why not.

  • List three ways you can help take care of your digestive system (look at link from past post for ideas).
  • 2 L bottle for model of lung (Tuesday)
  • Permission form and money for trip on Thursday. Grade 4 to "James and the Giant Peach", grade 5 to "Cabaret".
  • Tests and rubrics signed and returned

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