Everyone seem to be understanding how to do 2-digit by 2-digit multiplication. Today we started to apply some of our skills creating and answering multiplication and division word problems. We will continue applying our skills to solve problems. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU KEEP PRACTICING YOUR MULTIPLICATION FACTS.
Finish any Mathletics assignments.
Math test signed and returned.
Writing assignments you should be working on:
Non-fiction paragraph about a part of the digestive, circulatory or respiratory systems
Humorous picture book story
Tomorrow you will be given a book to practice and prepare questions for reading groups. It is an informational text on "The Hard Stuff About Bones".
Today we talked about "healthy living". When we exercise, what three things do we have to make sure we are developing?
sta_ _ _ _ , stre_ _ _ _ _ , fl_ _ _ _ _ _
Make sure you keep track of your activity for today and assign it a number (use your textbook as a reference).
Keep practicing your dance moves!
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