Wednesday, 10 May 2017

Many students struggled with the problems on the perimeter and area test. The questions were just like ones posted on the blog many times. Please make sure you go over your test with a parent tomorrow to make sure you understand how to do them. Mistakes will only lead to learning if you correct them!

We have completed our Measurement Strand for the year. We will have a short quiz on capacity, volume and mass next week. Most questions involve multiplication so keep practicing your multiplication facts.

We will do a week of multiplication and division then on to fractions. All students will be working on applying their multiplication and division skills in problems. Grade fives must be able to multiply 2-digit numbers and multiply decimals. Grade 4 you're welcome to learn! Check out the video below for a preview:

Today we talked about how your body regulates your temperature.
What parts of  your body are the warmest? Why? Hint... think of blood and organs

What does your body do to stay warm when it is cold?
Why do you shiver when you're cold?
What does your body do to cool off when it is hot?

If you have saved your Power Point on the Skin on the One Drive, you make work on it from home.

Physical Education
Today we began Track and Field practices. Some students are involved in individual events, while others are part of the triathlon team. Students that are in long distance and triathlon, will practice every day. Other students will practice Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Please make sure you have gym clothes are school. This is part of your Physical Education mark. As well, we will be working on our dance of Dancefest. Please take some time to view and practice the dance moves in the video:
If you have any suggestions, please share them tomorrow. The song will not change, but we can incorporate other dance moves.


  • Digestive System test signed
  • Lung rubric signed
  • Permission form for Faith Day on Friday (grade 5)
  • Practice French play

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