Please make sure you complete your multiplication and division corrections. We will be having several tests in the upcoming weeks on multiplication and division. You have been given plenty of time to learn your facts and learn the steps to long division and multi-digit multiplication.
Congratulations to students who have completed ALL Mathletics assignments. BRAVO!
Tomorrow we will practice reflecting objects on dot and grid papers and using Miras.

Social Studies
Grade 5 please complete all mind maps on the roles of the people in First Nations communities.
Grade 4 discussed marriage customs in Ancient Rome and Judea. Were there any similarities to marriage customs today? Which customs were different?
Most of you didn't know that we still have this Ancient Roman custom today......
Have you ever seen this Roman custom.... (grooms today don't wear them!)
What about these.....

- Track and Field, Tuesday, May 30th
- End of the Year Family BBQ, Tuesday, June 6th
- Dancefest, Thursday, June 8th
- School Mass, Thursday, June 15th @ St. George
- End of the Year Trip, Wednesday, June 21st
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